OK! I am back! I released 3 storys on Fanfiction this past week will update them next month!

With RRSA3 I have the story written I am just adding more details to the juicey scenes…

Molly secrets Revealed part 2. This story is going to take awhile. It wasn’t supposed to take a long time. It was supposed to be: Cubbi and sunni show up, some stuff happens, rebecca and cubbi fall in love and then they leave. That was the basic story line. Then with Molly secrets revealed part 1 I sort of trapped my self in Cape Suzette. I now have a story in my head about what takes place durring Cubbi and Sunni’s time in Cape Suzette. So I will be writing this story for a while, until its all on paper.

Fan Request Theatre 2: I put a spell on you. This story is mostly written I just have 4 to 5 more chapters to write and then it will be complete.

As always if you have any questions or comments please let me know. My door is always open. Except when it is not, no?

RRSA3. It’s a shameless plug for an ebook I’ll be working on next month. The RRSA3 story is about Foxglove and an original character of mine, Soda Sunset. Usually Foxglove is with the Rescue Rangers, this is a story where for the most part she will just be with Soda.

Next few months I’ll be working on several stories.

A Fan Request Theater Two: A dreamy Spell. A Darkwing Duck Story

The Council of Evil Book 2: The plot thickens

The many adventures of Soda Sunset

A mouse named Max

Plus a few other stories that are developing in my head.


Next Week though, October 16. Will be the Next Q&A on this blog with none other than David White.

See you then!

Welcome to the first ever Kongo’s Korner Q&A. Where I’ll hopefully be interviewing a different writer each month. Learning a little about there creative process and exposing them to a wider or more diverse audience than what they may currently have. That is the goal of Kongo’s Korner Q&A.

I will try to keep the questions as tame as possible. The answers however are uncensored, and unchanged.

This month, the very first guess is Mchollis89. This author has written a story of Chip ‘n’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers in which Dale is turned into a girl titled             Ms Dale.

Q & A

Q) Anyone who has seen Rescue Rangers Adventures in Squirrel-sitting has seen Dale in drag. What was your inspiration to explore a world where Dale was a girl?

A) Well, I came across a picture of Dale, being turned into a female, but it was done for laughs, and mature entertainment. 😉 So I wondered what would it be like if that actually happened. That, coupled with “issues” I’ve had since I was young.

Q) What would you say has been the funniest part of writing this story?

A) Nothing comes to mind, right now. Sorry, but I do have a few things in mind (no telling), but for the record, I LOVE 4th wall jokes.
Q) Everyone knows that a great hero needs a great bad guy or obstacle to over come. What are your deciding factors, or character traits, when considering the villains of the story?
A) Well, I tried to keep EVERYONE in character, or as close to it as possible, as they were in the show. Nimnul was the only recuring villain who could have pulled it off, and as shown, he’s not above unetheical, and likely illegal animal experimentation, or otherwise using them to further his own ends. as a Science major, anyone blatantly disregarding scientific ethics, to me, deserves to be the antagonist.

Q) Creativity, comes and goes for most. There is no magical on or off switch. When do you find your burst of creativity is most active?

A) Randomly. but when it comes, it comes!

Not like that, you perverts!
Q) In your story, once Dale is turned into a girl, she finds she enjoys shopping as well as cooking. What would you like to say to anyone who thinks your turning Dale into negative female stereotype?

A) Girls, Shopping and Cooking… Considering I’m doing this in context to a nineties’ show, I don’t think I have. Shopping- every girl back then practially had to pry that credit card form their parents’ tightly clenched fists. Cooking- Eh, Maybe… But then again, you don’t HAVE to read my stories.
Q) What are your favorite types of stories to read?

A) Mysteries (I just love a good who-done-it) Modern Fantasy (I love Fantasy/Magic stuff, but doing it in the olden days of kings and knights is dated to me. I need Modern contemporary, dang it!) Si-Fi- especially future stories (I love thinking of the new gadgets and tech that’s yet to be invented and the changes it makes on society)
Q) Movie wise, what is your favorite film and why?

A) I have several, dozens, even. But the one that stands out for me is Disney’s Robin Hood. Why? Because it’s 100% Anthro (OK, furry. Happy?). Now while other movies have athro characters, Robin Hood stands out to me because it is the only one, that I know of, that has NOTHING to do with Humans (Save for a few pop culture references). No Humans, nor hints or stories of their existence. If other modern Movies count, Robin Hood was my first. So, there.
Q) If you could be a fictional character for a week, who would you be and what would you do?

A) Now, THAT is a loaded question… I really don’t know WHICH to choose, but pretty much a talking cat (non athro) paired with a human (except for Salem). Name any character like that and I’d be good. And as for what I’d do…? That depends one which cat character I am. But If i can help it, Nap :3
Q) In a story where two characters become intimate with each other, do you feel the more details the scene has the better? Or do you think that it should simply be hinted and let the readers imagination fill in the gap?

A) Well, that depends on the audience you want to go for, and the feel you want for such scenes. Those factors in themselves are very situational, and can vary as such/
Q) If a future writer were to ask you for guidance and words of encourgement, what would you say to them?

A) Beware the WALL OF TEXT. Try to be original as you can. And find what flows for you. If the story stops flowing, don’t push it. Be sure what you write is what YOU want it to be, instead of trying to please your audience. Don’t be afraid to call hiatus to your audience. It’s your story first and foremost. Could you imagine what Harry Potter would be like if its author changed her story and writing style based on what her fans wanted changed? I can… :3

#   #   #

That is all the questions for this session of Kongo’s Korner! I would like to thank mchollis89 for agreeing to be the first victim er…I mean guest. If you would like to read the story Ms Dale, you can find it here:


Ok so this past week, I started a new saga on my Fur Affinity account.
Soda Sunset. It is about a bat being exiled from her colony.

I also added a chapter to my Gummi Bears saga at my fanfiction account.

My free ebook got a bad review on smashwords this week. Most likely well deserved;
however, I shall not be detoured from my goal as a writer.


“Our Critics are our friends, for they show us our faults.”

-Benjamin Franklin


“From failure you learn. From success, not so much.”

-Meet the Robinsons


“Ready! Fire! Adjust! Aim! Fire again!”

-Max Kongo


The first review of my short story in a week for Aladdin’s Dare. It said “the complete lack of editing was enough to ruin it.”

Which to be fair, I did rush through the editing process. I am going to read a book on grammar so I would say that will help my writing tremendously.


It also said, “This story takes what could have been a good idea and proceeds to make it anything but.”


To be fair, the story does go in many different directions. Some may not have been in the taste of the reader. It is also the first story I ever wrote where I didn’t have the end in mind when I started to write. Normally I’ll have the idea for the story in my head, and how I see it ending. Then the scenes just work them selves out. This is the first story I saw the beginning and figured the rest would work itself out.


I would like to invite the reviewer, to read my other stories I have written and leave comment’s there as well. Then I’ll have a better picture on what works and what does not.


Aladdin’s Dare was merely a test for more stories to come. I plan on exploring a lot of original idea’s for short stories and wanted to see how easy Smashwords was to get published. It is very simple to publish a story there.


I’ll continue writing at Fanfiction and Fur Affinity. Mainly because I like to explore possible ways established characters can interact.


Smashwords I am going to start using the pay for a short story feature. I think 0.99 for a story isn’t that bad at all. So I’ll see how it goes from here. Wish me luck.



Again if anyone wishes to read other places I write there they are






Fur Affinity:


So I published my first free e-book. It felt so liberating. Like that little voice in the back of my head that says, “you can’t” Just met Voltron, and lost. In two days I had over 120 downloads of my free e-book.

Its about a character called Aladdin. She accepts a dare from her friends. Read more here:



It goes in many different directions. I wanted to see what people would think. So far, no negative comments, or bad reviews.


Warning: It is adult themed.

I would like to know if there are any favorite characters from the book.

I have been writing a few fanfics for a few years. And so far, on fanfiction.net I don’t have any negitive responces.

All together my stories have over a thousand views.  I even have one story on Fur Affinity (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zencando/) that I thought was too in detail for Fanfiction.net

Now any one who has read the comments of Fanfiction stories it becomes very clear very quickly, if you are a horrible writer, people will let you know. They will blow you out of the water quicker than a Somalian pirate in a row boat attacking a uss battleship.
They are a harsh crowd.


The fact that I have that many views and no negitive comments could mean a few things.

1- My stories are so bad they aren’t even worth criticizing

2- My stories aren’t bad enough or good enough to really fuss over.

I am hoping its the second one.

Hello all!


If your reading this you most likely are from Fanfiction.net


Welcome.  I write stories of all types. If your a fan of my stories let me know.

If you are not a fan of my stories and want to tell me what you think. Please let me know. I’ll only get better through constructive criticism.

As of right now I am working on the Great Gummi Adventure part 1. By the end of September it should be finished.

Then in October I will begin the Great Gummi Adventure part 2.

Along with a few novels I plan to publish at smashwords.com.

Keep in touch and keep reading.